- $800 in sales.
- four bookings
- two potential recruits
Here's what I'm at so far:
-1400 in sales (expecting more orders)
-four bookings (three in Jax, one in Orlando, & 2 more potentials)
-I gave out 5 recruiting packets
Things went so well! I had a great time in Jax. I went to dinner with Nate Bryhan at the Mellow Mushroom, and had some great pizza! The next day was my show. Katerina, my recruit from my last trip, came along with me, so I got to know her a little better. The show was lots of fun. about four of them were at the last show, and I was really looking forward to seeing them again. If I was single w/ no kids, I'd want to have them as my friends. I love listening to their stories of dating, and they always welcome me as a friend. I'll be seeing them again in March. Julie had a nice show, good sales, and lots of bookings.
Then next day, I had a nice drive to Orlando, and the temp got up to 65 degrees. Everyone was wearing jackets. I laughed, but realized I too was friggin freezing after a little bit. I had the heat on in my room the entire time I was in Orlando.
I ended up selling about another $400 in jewelry, creating another show, and getting a show booked at the Crabby Bills restaurant at the Clarion Hotel in Orlando, in March. Also, the owner of the restaurant asked for some catalogs to hand out at Thanksgiving. However, I just checked my voicemail, and she called to let me know that she already has a couple hundred in orders...in one day! I had no intentions of bringing out the lia sophia in Orlando, but it ended up being a huge chunk of my stay. Also, I have two potential recruits in Orlando now, as well.

From there, we headed to Epcot. My toes were numb by this point, and we were both shivering. I remember hanging out in the Disney shops, trying to get my share of the air conditioning, but this time, it was completely opposite. It was so cold! We rode the newly renovated Spaceship Earth, Mexico ride, and Maelstrom in Norway. We also went to the Seas with Nemo and friends.
After that, we went to the Boardwalk resort to go to Jellyrolls! Anyone who knows me well, knows that my favorite place to be, other than home, is Jellyrolls. We had such a great time, as always, and I kept thinking of all the people I'd love to have there with me. I only requested two songs this time, but left before either were played. I fell in love with the beer "Landshark." It's Jimmy Buffett's beer, and is brewed in none other than Jacksonville. Guess where I'll have to go, next time I'm in Jax?.?.? It's kind of like Corona or Bud Light Lime. Yummy!
Saturday, I recovered for a little, in the morning. I did some more lia sophia work, then met up with Jonathan again. This time, we hung out at the Hollywood Studios, and went on my two favorites...Tower of Terror and Rockin Rollercoaster. We also went on the Backlot Tour, where Jonathan's new beau works. He's really nice, and has eyes to die for. Good luck Jonathan! For dinner, I had an awesome meal of coconut shrimp, garlic mashed potatoes, and hush puppies. The best part? It was comped. The owner of the restaurant picked up the tab, because I gave her a deal on the jewelry. It was reeeeeally good.
So now, here I am, living in the Memphis airport. I just watched the Jets spank the Titans (did I mention that I'm in Tennessee?). It was great to see the Titans lose.
Okay, done for now. Talk to you later!