You definitely can’t accuse us of being vegetarians. Among the immediate Hinz family, we must have eaten an entire cow this weekend.
Friday night, Brillion had a parade at 9pm. It was really nice. The parade included lots of school bands, tractors, and emergency vehicles. Aristana seemed to enjoy it. Unfortunately, that led her to an 11:30pm bedtime again. I’m starting to see a trend this season. Winter, bed between 6:30-7:30. Late Spring/Early Summer, bed between 9:30-11:30. You know what though? This girl is LIVING LIFE! I love seeing the smile on her face while she experiences so many new things. Sometimes things get rough around naptime, but it’s totally worth it.
So anyway, we ate a dinner of burgers, nachos, soda, and popcorn.
Saturday morning, she woke up at 8am. Mike was already out the door by 7am, to help set up for the Bellevue Community/Firefighters picnic. I grabbed a sippy cup of milk for Aristana, and threw her in the wagon. We walked to the corner to cheer on all the runners in the Bellin Run. It’s always exciting to see a familiar face in the waves of runners and walkers. Rumor has it that there were over 17,000 participants this year.
From there, we headed back home . After some cereal, play time, a change of clothes, and new rubber bands in Aristana’s hair, we walked back to the corner, to Zesty-Fest. They had a bunch of classic cars to view, free ice cream, a DJ, and some drawings. We had a lunch of cheese curds and a cheeseburger. That’s two cheese burgers in 12 hours (I know, no big deal yet). We were surprised when a clean smelling, very good looking man joined us at our table while we ate. Dada! He came over to meet us, which was really cool.
After our walk back home, Aristana went down for a nap. I had to wake her up after 3 hours and 15 minutes. She normally sleeps about 1 ½ to 2 hours at a time. She was in a very deep sleep when I woke her too. I bet she would have slept at least another hour.
Again, change the clothes, fix the hair…off we go! We went to the Bellevue Community/Firefighters’ picnic, where we immediately enjoyed hamburgers, French fries, ice cream, and cheese curds with Grandma and Grandpa Hinz, who also came to support Mike. We played at the park, danced for an hour, ran around, watched the water fights and games, and had a great time. Even after lunch, we went through another two burgers and French fries. Uncle Matty & Uncle Nate also stopped by. Again, thanks for the support!
Among Mike, Aristana & I, we, as of Saturday night, have consumed eight burgers in 24 hours. Include the rest of the Hinz clan, and our total comes to 17 burgers. Moo…
Tomorrow, we head to Allouez-fest… I’m guessing salad will not be on the menu there either.