I have finally come to the realization that we no longer have a baby. These past couple weeks, we have struggled to find a comfortable "snuggle position" in the rocking chair at bedtime, because of how long she is now. I remember when she barely reached from one arm rest to the other. Still, I can't seem to let go of rocking her each night...afraid that the day I stop, she'll grow even more. She's been my little buddy since the day she was born, and yet I already feel like the days of her choosing to hang out with her friends, over us, is just around the corner. I don't mean to sound pathetic, but where did the time go?

Her attitude is definitely nothing short of teenager, with the talking back, and smiling while she disobeys... but she got my personality, so I guess I expect nothing less. Many times I miss the baby, or even six months ago, but it has been a blast watching her become her own person. The personality that makes us want to pull out our hair, is also the same attitude that brings out the funniest sayings and moments we'll cherish. She is truly a punk. But she is extremely independent, for which I am proud.
Watching her discover new things everyday, reminds me that we were not all programed from the beginning. We too, took time to learn things and discover. We don't need TV, or computers (okay, maybe a little), or video games to make life great. In fact, life has been a whole lot better since we turned the TV off. We work in the garden, play in the sandbox, go to the park. I loved watching her face the first time she held a worm. Now she's on constant look out for "Mr. Wermy."
I'm rambling, but I am overwhelmed right now, with wow feelings, and just needed to say how humbled I am that God would choose us to take care of His precious child. I am so blessed to have such a fantastic husband, and daughter.
Thank you God, for everything.
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