So, I've always had an issue with vomit, and feces...don't you? I never understood how people didn't get sick when having to deal with a child's sickness. As I rewashed Aristana's crib items for the fourth time in two days, only after I gave her her second bath of the day (she had only been awake for one hour), I realized that the thought of being disgusted never even entered my mind. I had made it through...not that I look forward to doing it again tomorrow. I just love that little one so much, and just wish that she felt better. It's been about a month since she started going through this on again, off again sickness. I finally decided to take her to urgent care on Friday, since the weekend seems to go by very slowly, when you're not sure you're doing everything you should, to make her feel better. We'll get her lab results back on Tuesday. Please say a prayer for her...she just doesn't deserve this...

Things haven't changed much around here otherwise. We've been able to spend some great family time together this summer. We've hit a few festivals, picnics, and fairs...danced to the Groove Hogs, and Nashville Pipeline...hung out at the park, and Grandma and Grandpa Hinz's farm...One of the greatest things though, is spending time at home in the backyard. Aristana loves to harvest the veggies from the garden. She eats the beans off the bush, and has a tendency to stick her finger in the tomatoes. She's also a huge fan of her sandbox, and waving to the airplanes flying overhead. I love Wisconsin summers!

An update... My brother Brady, who has been stationed in Tampa, FL (McDill Air Force Base) since May, was able to accompany his superior on a trip to Qatar. That's about all he can say, for security reasons. I am so proud of him, and his service to our country. What a great guy! He keeps a blog too.
Click here if you're interested in checking it out. He will only be gone for a short time...but we're glad he was able to go over there, in a secure setting. I have always looked up to him, and his ability to be an outstanding brother, husband, father, and teacher. He is an amazing man!
I'm still selling lia sophia jewelry. I'm also still selling my mom's art at the Sturgeon Bay Farmers' Market, although that will only go for another couple of weeks. I can't believe how fast summer has flown.
Oh, weight update... I have lost around 80 pounds now. I have been on a plateau for almost a month, so I hope this doesn't mean that my weight loss has slowed down... arghhhh
See? Pretty boring. I promise, I'll let you know if anything exciting does happen.
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