Saturday, January 10, 2009

At Conference...

Whew! I am tiiiiiired. We arrived around noon, two hours late…but hey, we made it. We checked in, grabbed some Chex Mix for lunch, and rushed over to the Hyatt, for some breakout sessions. I always learn SO MUCH when I come to these events. I also learned that they sky walk from our hotel to the Hyatt is 794 steps. It’s really long, so I got a workout, which was awesome. We all crammed into our regional manager’s suite at the Hyatt, for a dinner of sloppy joes. Mmmmmm.

We had our kick-off session then, at 7pm. I saw Tory Kiam and Ellen Kiam, and was so psyched. One of my goals, is to hug Tory on stage, at the 2010 conference. All the high award winners get a hug from Tory. So, I went up to him, and said, “It’s my goal to get a hug from you.” He gave me a hug! It was free this time, but I’ll be sure to earn the next one. I also got my picture taken with him. He is so great. Again, I am so proud to be working with this company. Everyone is so down to earth! Owner, president, everyone gets right in there with us. What a wonderful group we have!

They brought in for us, the Southern Fried Chicks, a comedy trio. They were flippin hilarious. Check them out if you have a chance. I laughed so hard, for so long. Great show.

Then, after a pizza/Caesar salad party, we grabbed a drink, and hit the dance floor. I’m not really a dancer, but want to be sure I’m getting my workout in. I definitely feel like I worked out today. I made sure to take the stairs every time too.

So right now, everyone went to hang out in Pam’s room. I’m just winding down, and realizing that my alarm will be going off at 5am. Bedtime for Maggie. Nighty night…

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